
Symfony Framework Cheatsheet

Symfony Framework

Symfony Cheat Sheet

Symfony CLI: Installation

Routing Attributes

curl -sS | bash

use Symfony\Component\Routing\Attribute\Route;

Symfony CLI: Basic Commands

Command Description

symfony check:requirements Check system requirements for running Symfony

symfony version Display the Symfony CLI version

symfony help Display all available commands

symfony help <command> Display help for a specific command

Attribute Description

#[Route('/path')] Define a route for a controller method

#[Route('/path', name: 'name')] Define a named route for a method

#[Route('/path', methods: ['GET'])] Define allowed HTTP methods

#[Route('/blog/{slug}')] Define a route with a parameter

#[Route('/page/{page}', requirements:

Define a route with a parameter constraint

['page' => '\d+'])]
#[Route(path: ['en' => '/about-us',

Define localized routes

'nl' => '/over-ons'], name: 'about')]

Creating a New Symfony Project

Command Description

symfony new <directory> Create a new Symfony project in

symfony new --webapp <directory> Create a new web application

symfony new --api <directory> Create a new API application

composer create-project

Create a new Symfony project using Composer

symfony/skeleton <directory>

Method Description

$this->render('template.html') Returns a Response with the rendered template

$this->redirectToRoute('homepage') Returns a RedirectResponse to a named route

$this->redirectToRoute('name', ['param'

Returns a redirect to a route with parameters

=> 'value'])
$this->redirectToRoute('name', [], 301) Returns a RedirectResponse with status code

$this->redirect('') Returns a RedirectResponse to an external URL

$this->createNotFoundException($msg) Returns a NotFoundHttpException


Creates a new Form instance based on the type


AbstractController Methods

Flex Commands

Command Description

composer symfony:dump-env <env> Compile .env files to .env.local.php

composer symfony:recipes List available recipes

symfony:recipes:install (Re)install recipes for packages

symfony:recipes:update Update installed recipes

Form Methods

Method Description

$form->handleRequest($request) Handle a form submission

$form->isSubmitted() Check if the form was submitted

$form->isValid() Check if the form is valid

Form Fields: Text Fields

Form Fields: Symfony UX Fields

Type Description

TextType A basic text input field

TextareaType A multi-line textarea field

EmailType An email field ()

PasswordType A password field

SearchType A search field

UrlType A URL field

TelType A tel (phone number) input field

UuidType A UUID field

Type Description

CropperType A Cropper.js image cropper field

DropzoneType A Dropzone file upload field

Form Fields: Date and Time Fields

Form Fields: Numeric Fields

Type Description

IntegerType A number field for integers

MoneyType A money field, with a specifiable currency

NumberType A number field

PercentType A number field for percentages

RangeType A range input field (slider)

Type Description

DateType A date field

DateIntervalType A date interval field

DateTimeType A date and time field

TimeType A time field

BirthdayType A date field for birthdays

WeekType Select a year and week

Type Description

CheckboxType A single checkbox field

FileType A file upload field

RadioType A radio button field

HiddenType A hidden field

Form Fields: Other Fields

Form Fields: Choice Fields

Type Description

ChoiceType Field for selecting one or more options

EnumType Choose from PHP enum cases

EntityType Choose from a Doctrine entity

CountryType Choose a country

LanguageType Choose a language

LocaleType Choose a locale

TimezoneType Choose a timezone

CurrencyType Choose a currency

The expanded and multiple options decide whether a dropdown, radio buttons or checkboxes are rendered.

Form Fields: Field Groups

Type Description

CollectionType A group of fields that can be added or removed

RepeatedType A field that is repeated (e.g. password confirmation)

See for a full list of form types.

Validation: Basic Constraints

Validation: Number Constraints

use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert;

Attribute Description

#[Assert\NotBlank] Value is not an empty string/array, false or null

#[Assert\Blank] Value is an empty string or null

#[Assert\NotNull] Value is not strictly equal to null

#[Assert\IsNull] Value is exactly equal to null

#[Assert\Type('string')] Value is of a specific type

Attribute Description

#[Assert\Positive<OrZero>] Value is positive (or zero)

#[Assert\Negative<OrZero>] Value is negative (or zero)

Attribute Description

#[Assert\Date] Value is a valid date string in Y-m-d format

#[Assert\DateTime] Value is a valid datetime in the specified format

#[Assert\Time] Value is a valid time string in H:i:s format

#[Assert\Timezone] Value is a valid timezone identifier

Validation: Date and Time Constraints

Validation: Comparison Constraints

Attribute Description

#[Assert\<Not>EqualTo('Foo')] Value is (not) equal to another value

#[Assert\<Not>IdenticalTo('Foo')] Value is (not) identical to another value

#[Assert\LessThan<OrEqual>(5)] Value is less than (or equal to) another value

#[Assert\GreaterThan<OrEqual>(5)] Value is greater than (or equal to) another value

#[Assert\Range(min: 2, max: 10)] Number or DateTime object is within a range

Attribute Description

#[Assert\Choice(['A', 'B', 'C'])] Value is one of the specified choices

#[Assert\Country] Value is a valid ISO 3166-1 country code

#[Assert\Language] Value is a valid two-letter language code

#[Assert\Locale] Value is a valid locale identifier

Validation: Choice Constraints

Validation: String Constraints

Attribute Description

#[Assert\Length(2, 10)] String is between and characters long

#[Assert\Email] String is a valid email address

#[Assert\Url] String is a valid URL

#[Assert\Hostname] String is a valid hostname

#[Assert\Ip] String is a valid IP address

#[Assert\NoSuspiciousCharacters] String does not contain spoofing characters

#[Assert\Uuid] String is a valid UUID

#[Assert\CssColor] String is a valid CSS color

Attribute Description

#[Assert\Bic] Value is a valid Business Identifier Code (BIC)

#[Assert\CardScheme] Value is a valid credit card number

#[Assert\Currency] Value is a valid 3-letter ISO 4217 currency

#[Assert\Luhn] Value passes the Luhn algorithm

#[Assert\Iban] Value is a valid IBAN

#[Assert\Isbn] Value is a valid ISBN

See for a full list of validation constraints.

Validation: File Constraints

Attribute Description

#[Assert\File] Value is a valid file path or File object

#[Assert\Image] Same as File, but only accepts image MIME types

Validation: Financial and other Number Constraints

Validation: Password Constraints

Attribute Description

#[Assert\UserPassword] String is the authenticated user’s password

#[Assert\NotCompromisedPassword] Password is not found in any data breaches

#[Assert\PasswordStrength] Password has a enough entropy

Symfony Twig Extensions

Twig: Security Functions

On top of the default Twig functions and filters, Symfony provides additional functions and filters. See for a full reference.

Twig: Routing Functions

Function Description

path('home') Returns the relative URL for a route

path('blog_post', {id: 3}) Returns the relative URL for a route with parameters

url('home') Returns the absolute URL for a route

url('blog_post', {id: 3}) Returns the absolute URL for a route with params

url('home', [], true) Returns a scheme-relative URL for a route

absolute_url('/blog/3') Returns the absolute URL for a path

relative_path('/blog/3') Returns the relative URL for a path

Function Description

is_granted('ROLE_USER') Check if the current user has a role

is_granted('edit', post) Check if the current user can edit a post

csrf_token('delete-item') Generate a CSRF token for a specific intention

logout_path('main') Generate a relative logout URL for the given firewall

Generate an absolute logout URL for the given



Function Description

asset('style.css') Returns the public path for an asset

asset_version() Returns the asset version

importmap() Outputs the importmap

Twig: Asset Functions

Twig: Form Functions

Function Description

form(form) Renders the complete form

form(form, {'method': 'GET'}) Renders the form, overriding some options

form_start(form) Renders the opening


form_end(form) Renders the closing


form_label(field) Renders the label for the given field

form_help(field) Renders the help text for the given field

form_errors(field) Renders any errors for the given field

form_widget(field) Renders the HTML widget for the given field

Renders the complete row for the given field,


including the label, errors, help and widget

form_rest(form) Renders all fields that have not been rendered yet

Twig: Translation Filters

Tag Description

{% trans %}message{% endtrans %} Translate a translation message in the default locale

{% trans with {'name': 'value'} %}... Translate a message with parameters

{% trans from 'app' %}... Translate a message from a specific domain

{% trans into 'nl' %}... Translate a message to a specific locale

{% trans_default_domain 'app' %} Set the default translation domain for this template

Filter Description

'foo'|trans Translate a message

'foo'|trans({name: 'value'}) Translate a message with parameters

'foo'|trans({name: 'value'}, 'app') Translate a message from a specific domain

'foo'|trans({}, null, 'nl') Translate a message to a specific locale

Twig: Translation Tags

Twig: Form Tags

Tag Description

{% form_theme form

Apply a form theme to a single form

'bootstrap_5_layout.html.twig' %}

Filter Description

'dateOfBirth'|humanize Transform a string into a human-readable format

':+1:'|emojify Convert emoji shortcodes to Unicode emojis

Twig: String Filters

Console: Basic Usage

Console: Linting Commands

Command Description

bin/console List all available commands

bin/console <namespace> List all available commands in a namespace / bundle

bin/console <command> Run a command

bin/console help <command> Display help for a command

bin/console --env=<env> Run the console in dev/test/prod

bin/console -v|vv|vvv Increase output verbosity

bin/console cache:clear Clear the cache

bin/console cache:warmup Warm up an empty cache

Command Description

bin/console lint:container Check service arguments for type mismatches

bin/console lint:twig <directory> Lint Twig templates for syntax errors

bin/console lint:yaml <directory> Lint YAML files for syntax errors

bin/console lint:xliff <directory> Lint XLIFF translation files for syntax errors

Command Description

bin/console asset-map:compile Compile assets for production

bin/console importmap:require <package> Add an NPM package to the import map

bin/console importmap:install Download all importmap packages

bin/console importmap:update Update all importmap packages

bin/console importmap:remove <package> Remove a package from the importmap

bin/console importmap:outdated List outdated importmap packages

bin/console importmap:audit Check dependencies for vulnerabilities

Console: AssetMap Commands

Console: Debugging Commands

Command Description

bin/console debug:asset-map Display all mapped assets

bin/console debug:autowiring List all autowireable services

bin/console debug:config <bundle> Dump bundle configuration

bin/console debug:container List all public services

bin/console debug:container <service> Get information about a service

bin/console debug:container --env-vars Display container env vars

bin/console debug:container --tags List tagged public services

bin/console debug:container --tag=<t> List services with a specific tag

bin/console debug:dotenv Display parsed dotenv values

bin/console debug:dotenv <search> Display matching dotenv values

bin/console debug:event-dispatcher List all registered event listeners

bin/console debug:firewall <name> Display detailed information about a firewall

bin/console debug:form Display form type information

bin/console debug:messenger List dispatchable messages

bin/console debug:router List all registered routes

bin/console debug:router <name> Get information about a route

bin/console debug:translation <loc> Display messages for locale

bin/console router:match <path> Show matching route(s) for a path

Console: Doctrine Commands

Command Description

bin/console doctrine:database:create Create the configured database

bin/console doctrine:database:drop Drop the configured database

bin/console doctrine:mapping:info List mapped entities

bin/console doctrine:schema:update

Generate SQL statements to sync the DB schema

bin/console doctrine:schema:update

Sync the DB schema with the mapping information


bin/console doctrine:schema:validate Validate the mapping files

bin/console doctrine:query:sql <sql> Run a SQL query

bin/console doctrine:query:dql <dql> Run a DQL query

bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load Load data fixtures to the DB

Console: Autocompletion

bin/console completion bash | sudo tee /etc/bash_completion.d/console