Symfony Cheat Sheet
Symfony CLI: Installation
Routing Attributes
curl -sS | bash
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Attribute\Route;
Symfony CLI: Basic Commands
Command Description
symfony check:requirements
Check system requirements for running Symfony
symfony version
Display the Symfony CLI version
symfony help
Display all available commands
symfony help <command>
Display help for a specific command
Attribute Description
Define a route for a controller method
#[Route('/path', name: 'name')]
Define a named route for a method
#[Route('/path', methods: ['GET'])]
Define allowed HTTP methods
Define a route with a parameter
#[Route('/page/{page}', requirements:
Define a route with a parameter constraint
['page' => '\d+'])]
#[Route(path: ['en' => '/about-us',
Define localized routes
'nl' => '/over-ons'], name: 'about')]
Creating a New Symfony Project
Command Description
symfony new <directory>
Create a new Symfony project in
symfony new --webapp <directory>
Create a new web application
symfony new --api <directory>
Create a new API application
composer create-project
Create a new Symfony project using Composer
symfony/skeleton <directory>
Method Description
Returns a Response with the rendered template
Returns a RedirectResponse to a named route
$this->redirectToRoute('name', ['param'
Returns a redirect to a route with parameters
=> 'value'])
$this->redirectToRoute('name', [], 301) Returns a RedirectResponse with status code
Returns a RedirectResponse to an external URL
Returns a NotFoundHttpException
Creates a new Form instance based on the type
AbstractController Methods
Flex Commands
Command Description
composer symfony:dump-env <env>
Compile .env files to .env.local.php
composer symfony:recipes
List available recipes
(Re)install recipes for packages
Update installed recipes
Form Methods
Method Description
Handle a form submission
Check if the form was submitted
Check if the form is valid
Form Fields: Text Fields
Form Fields: Symfony UX Fields
Type Description
A basic text input field
A multi-line textarea field
An email field ()
A password field
A search field
A URL field
A tel (phone number) input field
A UUID field
Type Description
A Cropper.js image cropper field
A Dropzone file upload field
Form Fields: Date and Time Fields
Form Fields: Numeric Fields
Type Description
A number field for integers
A money field, with a specifiable currency
A number field
A number field for percentages
A range input field (slider)
Type Description
A date field
A date interval field
A date and time field
A time field
A date field for birthdays
Select a year and week
Type Description
A single checkbox field
A file upload field
A radio button field
A hidden field
Form Fields: Other Fields
Form Fields: Choice Fields
Type Description
Field for selecting one or more options
Choose from PHP enum cases
Choose from a Doctrine entity
Choose a country
Choose a language
Choose a locale
Choose a timezone
Choose a currency
The expanded and multiple options decide whether a dropdown, radio buttons or checkboxes are rendered.
Form Fields: Field Groups
Type Description
A group of fields that can be added or removed
A field that is repeated (e.g. password confirmation)
See for a full list of form types.
Validation: Basic Constraints
Validation: Number Constraints
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert;
Attribute Description
Value is not an empty string/array, false or null
Value is an empty string or null
Value is not strictly equal to null
Value is exactly equal to null
Value is of a specific type
Attribute Description
Value is positive (or zero)
Value is negative (or zero)
Attribute Description
Value is a valid date string in Y-m-d format
Value is a valid datetime in the specified format
Value is a valid time string in H:i:s format
Value is a valid timezone identifier
Validation: Date and Time Constraints
Validation: Comparison Constraints
Attribute Description
Value is (not) equal to another value
Value is (not) identical to another value
Value is less than (or equal to) another value
Value is greater than (or equal to) another value
#[Assert\Range(min: 2, max: 10)]
Number or DateTime object is within a range
Attribute Description
#[Assert\Choice(['A', 'B', 'C'])]
Value is one of the specified choices
Value is a valid ISO 3166-1 country code
Value is a valid two-letter language code
Value is a valid locale identifier
Validation: Choice Constraints
Validation: String Constraints
Attribute Description
#[Assert\Length(2, 10)]
String is between
String is a valid email address
String is a valid URL
String is a valid hostname
String is a valid IP address
String does not contain spoofing characters
String is a valid UUID
String is a valid CSS color
Attribute Description
Value is a valid Business Identifier Code (BIC)
Value is a valid credit card number
Value is a valid 3-letter ISO 4217 currency
Value passes the Luhn algorithm
Value is a valid IBAN
Value is a valid ISBN
Validation: File Constraints
Attribute Description
Value is a valid file path or File object
Same as File, but only accepts image MIME types
Validation: Financial and other Number Constraints
Validation: Password Constraints
Attribute Description
String is the authenticated user’s password
Password is not found in any data breaches
Password has a enough entropy
Symfony Twig Extensions
Twig: Security Functions
On top of the default Twig functions and filters, Symfony provides additional functions and filters. See for a full reference.
Twig: Routing Functions
Function Description
Returns the relative URL for a route
path('blog_post', {id: 3})
Returns the relative URL for a route with parameters
Returns the absolute URL for a route
url('blog_post', {id: 3})
Returns the absolute URL for a route with params
url('home', [], true)
Returns a scheme-relative URL for a route
Returns the absolute URL for a path
Returns the relative URL for a path
Function Description
Check if the current user has a role
is_granted('edit', post)
Check if the current user can edit a post
Generate a CSRF token for a specific intention
Generate a relative logout URL for the given firewall
Generate an absolute logout URL for the given
Function Description
Returns the public path for an asset
Returns the asset version
Outputs the importmap
Twig: Asset Functions
Twig: Form Functions
Function Description
Renders the complete form
form(form, {'method': 'GET'})
Renders the form, overriding some options
Renders the opening
Renders the label for the given field
Renders the help text for the given field
Renders any errors for the given field
Renders the HTML widget for the given field
Renders the complete row for the given field,
including the label, errors, help and widget
Renders all fields that have not been rendered yet
Twig: Translation Filters
Tag Description
{% trans %}message{% endtrans %}
Translate a translation message in the default locale
{% trans with {'name': 'value'} %}...
Translate a message with parameters
{% trans from 'app' %}...
Translate a message from a specific domain
{% trans into 'nl' %}...
Translate a message to a specific locale
{% trans_default_domain 'app' %}
Set the default translation domain for this template
Filter Description
Translate a message
'foo'|trans({name: 'value'})
Translate a message with parameters
'foo'|trans({name: 'value'}, 'app')
Translate a message from a specific domain
'foo'|trans({}, null, 'nl')
Translate a message to a specific locale
Twig: Translation Tags
Twig: Form Tags
Tag Description
{% form_theme form
Apply a form theme to a single form
'bootstrap_5_layout.html.twig' %}
Filter Description
Transform a string into a human-readable format
Convert emoji shortcodes to Unicode emojis
Twig: String Filters
Console: Basic Usage
Console: Linting Commands
Command Description
List all available commands
bin/console <namespace>
List all available commands in a namespace / bundle
bin/console <command>
Run a command
bin/console help <command>
Display help for a command
bin/console --env=<env>
Run the console in dev/test/prod
bin/console -v|vv|vvv
Increase output verbosity
bin/console cache:clear
Clear the cache
bin/console cache:warmup
Warm up an empty cache
Command Description
bin/console lint:container
Check service arguments for type mismatches
bin/console lint:twig <directory>
Lint Twig templates for syntax errors
bin/console lint:yaml <directory>
Lint YAML files for syntax errors
bin/console lint:xliff <directory>
Lint XLIFF translation files for syntax errors
Command Description
bin/console asset-map:compile
Compile assets for production
bin/console importmap:require <package> Add an NPM package to the import map
bin/console importmap:install
Download all importmap packages
bin/console importmap:update
Update all importmap packages
bin/console importmap:remove <package>
Remove a package from the importmap
bin/console importmap:outdated
List outdated importmap packages
bin/console importmap:audit
Check dependencies for vulnerabilities
Console: AssetMap Commands
Console: Debugging Commands
Command Description
bin/console debug:asset-map
Display all mapped assets
bin/console debug:autowiring
List all autowireable services
bin/console debug:config <bundle>
Dump bundle configuration
bin/console debug:container
List all public services
bin/console debug:container <service>
Get information about a service
bin/console debug:container --env-vars
Display container env vars
bin/console debug:container --tags
List tagged public services
bin/console debug:container --tag=<t>
List services with a specific tag
bin/console debug:dotenv
Display parsed dotenv values
bin/console debug:dotenv <search>
Display matching dotenv values
bin/console debug:event-dispatcher
List all registered event listeners
bin/console debug:firewall <name>
Display detailed information about a firewall
bin/console debug:form
Display form type information
bin/console debug:messenger
List dispatchable messages
bin/console debug:router
List all registered routes
bin/console debug:router <name>
Get information about a route
bin/console debug:translation <loc>
Display messages for locale
bin/console router:match <path>
Show matching route(s) for a path
Console: Doctrine Commands
Command Description
bin/console doctrine:database:create
Create the configured database
bin/console doctrine:database:drop
Drop the configured database
bin/console doctrine:mapping:info
List mapped entities
bin/console doctrine:schema:update
Generate SQL statements to sync the DB schema
bin/console doctrine:schema:update
Sync the DB schema with the mapping information
bin/console doctrine:schema:validate
Validate the mapping files
bin/console doctrine:query:sql <sql>
Run a SQL query
bin/console doctrine:query:dql <dql>
Run a DQL query
bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load
Load data fixtures to the DB
Console: Autocompletion
bin/console completion bash | sudo tee /etc/bash_completion.d/console